植物蝴蝶兰模型下载Phalaenopsis aphrodite H. G. Reichenbach--紫天网|设计产业互联网站
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蝶兰Phalaenopsis aphrodite H. G. Reichenbach分布于中国、泰国、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚。生于低海拔的热带和亚热带的丛林树干上。蝴蝶兰适合生长在通风性较好的环境中,可以放在前台,家里客厅等地区,茶室也可以设计,深圳蝴蝶兰比较多。
Phalaenopsis aphrodite H. G. Reichenbach is distributed in China, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Born on the trunk of tropical and subtropical jungle at low altitude. Phalaenopsis is suitable for growing in a well ventilated environment. It can be placed in the front desk, home living room and other areas. Tea rooms can also be designed. There are many Phalaenopsis in Shenzhen.
      Phalaenopsis can absorb indoor harmful gases, purify the air and be used as potted ornamental. It can be designed at the wedding site and used as high-grade materials for cutting flowers, VIP breast flowers, bridal bouquets and flower basket arrangement; It can be used for gifts during festivals. Need to purchase plants Tel: 15889638076

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  • 性质紫天作品
  • 分类景观庭院/ 庭院设计
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