景观植物紫花凤梨下载Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K. Koch--紫天网|设计产业互联网站
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紫花凤梨学名:Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K. Koch   喜温暖和湿润的气候条件,生长适温为10℃-32℃,越冬不低于10℃即可。紫花凤梨形态别致、花序奇特,为观叶、观花的盆栽品种。“紫花凤梨的花语是完美无缺,顽强。它的形态非常奇特,花色艳丽,花期持久,即可观花也可观叶,是非常不过的观赏植物。”告诫自己要努力克服困难,这样才可迎来美好的生活。它还有很强的净化空气的能力,因此是美化家居,绿化环境的良好材料。栽培期间要尽量提供利于生长的环境,环境适宜长势才会更旺盛,更好的开花。



Scientific name of purple pineapple: Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K. Koch likes warm and humid climate conditions. The suitable temperature for growth is 10 ℃ - 32 ℃ and overwintering is no less than 10 ℃. Purple pineapple has unique shape and peculiar inflorescence. It is a potted variety for viewing leaves and flowers. "The flower language of purple pineapple is perfect and tenacious. Its shape is very strange, its color is gorgeous, and its flowering period is long. It can watch flowers and leaves. It is a very ornamental plant." Warn yourself to strive to overcome difficulties, so as to usher in a better life. It also has a strong ability to purify the air, so it is a good material for beautifying the home and greening the environment. During cultivation, we should try to provide an environment conducive to growth. If the environment is suitable, growth will be more vigorous and blossom better.


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  • 性质紫天作品
  • 分类景观庭院/ 空中花园
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